Grievance Policy

Participants in CMTE courses provided by Higher Octave Healing, Inc., have the right to file a grievance regarding any aspect of the CMTE course. Grievances may be related to promotional materials; learning objectives; prerequisites; presenter credentials; topic; CMTE credits offered in the course; schedule and format of the course; deadlines for submission; cancellation; refund policy; and fees. Participants must file their grievance with the Continuing Education Director via email or postal mail within thirty (30) days of the end of the CMTE course. The Continuing Education Director will respond within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the grievance. The Continuing Education Director can be found on the website ( Each grievance must include: Title of CMTE, presenter, date, and details of the grievance.


A participant may file an appeal by sending a written (email or mail) grievance appeal including specific reasons for appeal and a copy of the previous grievance filing and response. The Continuing Education Director will consult with the Board of Directors and respond within thirty (30) days. If the grievance is still unresolved, the participant has a right to have the Certification Board for Music Therapist’s (CBMT) Continuing Education Committee address the issue. The CBMT’s Continuing Education Committee should only be consulted after the participant has exhausted the grievance and appeal process with Higher Octave Healing, Inc.